Planting Bulbs Now For Summer Splendor

Planting Bulbs Now For Summer Splendor

Ideas For Spring Bulb Planting

As the spring planting season begins to get into swing for gardeners everywhere, the decision on what to plant in your garden becomes a pressing issue for many who are planning out their gardens during the early spring. While your perennials are already taken care of, you may want to freshen an area of the garden or backyard for this season to break from the traditional plants that are found in your garden. Planting bulbs has become a popular way to fill these places, with flowers that are easy to plant and will last for years, though they are easily removable if need be.

Different Bulbs & Environments

There are a number of different types of bulbs so you will want to make sure that you are planting the right bulb for whatever environment you are in and when you want the bulbs to flower and when you want to plant the bulbs. Some bulbs will need to be planted in the fall, so that they may mature throughout the winter and bloom in the late spring, meanwhile some other bulbs will only need to be planted during the early spring and will bloom during the summer. These bulbs are also different as some that are planted during the spring will not survive the winter in colder climates and will need to be dug up each year during the fall to preserve the bulb.

Some Helpful Ideas

With all of these factors, this blog post will hopefully dive into some of these summer blooming bulbs that are planted during the spring. Some of these bulbs will have to be removed during the winter, while others will not. However, these are some of the most beautiful flowers that you can grow from bulbs that you plant in your own garden!

Bulbs To Consider


Often coming in bright orange to pink hues, these are a wonderful flowering bulb to add to your garden in the spring. Make sure that the final threats of severe frost are past so that these little flowers aren’t frozen before they can start growing. Canna are natural sun lovers so you will want to plant these bulbs in a location that receives full sun. Finally make sure to remove the bulb and the small root ball in the fall to preserve the bulb for the next year.

Canna are natural sun lovers so you will want to plant these bulb in a location that receives full sun.


Another staple of bulb based flowers that comes in a wide variety of different colors and sizes. These plants are a little more hardy than the Canna plant, and will spread relatively quickly with consistent watering and partial shade. These plants will also need to be stored in the garage or shed to prevent them from freezing in the ground over the winter if the gardener hopes to use them again for the next year.

These plants will spread relatively quickly with consistent watering and partial shade.


Another wonderful blooming flower that comes in about any shade of vibrant colors that you might hope to find, Dahlias are a great addition to any garden. Making use of their colors these flowers will make the garden stand out as long as they are exposed to sunlight throughout the day and are in well draining soil. Make sure to remove these bulbs from the ground during the winter.

Dahlias are a great addition to any garden!


These blooming flowers grow at the end of their long thin stalks, sometimes growing anywhere from 1-6 ft. tall. Gladiolus also come in a large variety of bright colors, these colors range from red and orange, to purple and white hues. These flowers are both delicate and especially hardy when it comes to their growing environment, make sure that the tall stalks are not overexposed to windy or stormy conditions, however, they will grow in most kinds of soil. Gladiolus will bloom once during the summer and after they have bloomed and died, you can slowly decrease the watering and eventually remove them during the fall.

These flowers are both delicate and especially hardy when it comes to their growing environment

Calla Lily

These cup shaped blooms are another great addition to the garden as a bulb plant that will have to be planted in the spring and brought in before the first frost to preserve them. Coming in lighter colors like pink and soft yellow, these flowers will find a way to contrast with the greenery throughout your garden. Make sure that these plants get plenty of water throughout the summer months as dry soil will spell the end for these tropical plants.

Make sure that these plants get plenty of water throughout the summer months.

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