Our Favorite Climbing Plants

Our Favorite Climbing Plants

Climbing Plants To Add To Your Garden Today:

Whether you are looking to add privacy to your garden, create a lush, green wall as a backdrop to the rest of your foliage or want to simply add a vertical touch to your garden, climbing plants are perhaps the best way to accomplish these desires. Here at H Potter, we simply love the look and feel of tall climbing plants and vines in the garden. So let’s jump into some of our favorite climbers (and maybe share a few tips to perfect your gardening space).


A classic climbing plant, clematis is favorite among gardeners for very good reason. The colorful blooming vine spreads over a variety of shades of purple, pink, and blue to not only add greenery, but also a pop of color. But, not only is this climber a colorful addition to your garden’s personality, clematis is relatively easy to grow. While it won’t do the best in full shade, clematis can be planted in either full or partial sun, make sure that you plant it in well drained and fertile soil for the best results! A relatively lighter choice, clematis is a great choice for most trellising options, arbors, or to create a delightful privacy fence.

Clematis is a great choice for most trellising options


With a breathtaking array of bright flower clusters covering a number of different colors, wisteria is a phenomenal go to if you plan on adding mass to your vertical garden. This plant grows vigorously and can become quite large, make sure that you provide it with the proper support (perhaps a strong trellis option like the ones found at H Potter) to keep the crawling vines off the ground.  Make sure to plant wisteria somewhere where it will be in full sun to allow for the greatest growth, this makes wisteria a phenomenal fence to provide shade from the direct sun in your garden.

Wisteria is a phenomenal go to if you plan on adding mass

Virginia Creeper:

If you are looking to fill out that vertical space in your garden with something green, look no further. The Virginia creeper is a quick growing climbing plant that will be a longstanding member of your garden growth. A hardy plant that will survive in most soil types and sun exposure from shade to full sunlight, make sure to keep this plant pruned back so it doesn’t invade the entirety of your garden. However, don’t let the speed at which this plant grows keep you from adding the beautiful greenery it is known for in the spring and summer, and the vibrant red/orange color it is known for in the fall months!

The Virginia creeper is a quick growing hardy plant

Sweet Pea:

The sweet pea is a little different from our other entries on this list as it is a charming annual. A more delicate plant, sweet peas will need to be planted in full to partial sun, and will prefer cooler temperatures to grow their best. The effort is worth the reward with these plants however, with their bright tubular flowers coming in a wide array of colors including white, purple, and pink. But don’t forget to replant them every year to cover your favorite fence or trellis in the garden.

A more delicate plant, sweet peas will need to be planted in partial sun


A classic climbing plant that pleases the senses, while helping your garden thrive throughout the growing season. With a bright set of colorful blooms, ranging from white, to yellow, to pink, this flowering plant doesn’t just please the eyes, but also adds a delightful smell to your garden. However, you won’t be the only one attracted to the sights and smells of honeysuckle, which is fantastic at drawing in pollinators to maintain the health of your garden and your honeysuckle. Keep these wonderful flowers in full to partial sun, and allow them to cover fences, trellises, and even climb up walls in or around your garden.

Honeysuckle is fantastic at drawing pollinators to maintain the health of your garden

Helpful Tips For Any Climbing Plants:

Whenever you are growing climbing plants, remember to keep this short list in mind as you plan out your garden:

Choose the Right Support: Ensure that whatever you are using to support your plant is able to manage the weight of the plant. While most climbing plants start small, they can get quite large and cause damage to smaller or more poorly constructed trellising. If you are planting a perennial climber, make sure that your support system will last, trellising made from materials that are prone to decay or break are typically not ideal.

Consider The Sun & Shade: Different plants have different relationships with the sun. While some of these plants love to be in full sunshine for the entire day, others will prefer partial shade, while still others will grow best in full shade.  Scout out your location before planting to determine what plant will best fit your space and get ready to start gardening.

Check the Soil: Once you have found your perfect location and plant to fit, check the soil. If the planting area needs it, go ahead and refresh the soil with some fertilizer or topsoil.

Happy Gardening!

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